Monday, October 20, 2014

UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

test db$ opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Home       : /test_bin/prod/db/tech_st/
Central Inventory : /home/test/oraInventory
   from           : /test_bin/prod/db/tech_st/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /test_bin/prod/db/tech_st/
Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.
The details are:
Following executables are active :
UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.
Log file location: /test_bin/prod/db/tech_st/
OPatch failed with error code 73


Your Listener is in active status. It means Listener is up. So ensure that  Instance & Listener must be down when applying the Opatch.

After bounce the Listener try the opatch apply steps.
